Get the newest lost cat tips & strategies to get your lost cat found fast. The Lost Cat Kit instant download gives you a targeted search guide, plus videoes on how to search like a pet detective, templates for smarter lost cat posters & flyers, even a demo on how to use the latest tools & high-tech gear for finding a missing cat.
Save yourself the time wasted on myths from armchair-expert advice and scammers. The lost cat kit is 87 pages with photos & diagrams, chock full of methods refined over years of real-world lost cat cases. The companion video shows you step-by-step what to do, mistakes to avoid, and how to be your own Cat Detective to get your lost cat fast.
Maybe you've already tried the typical "lost cat tips" like calling, shaking treats, putting out food, kitty litter, notifying vets, visiting shelters, and the usual posting and boosting all over social media.
As studies have shown, these old methods are not ideal for cats. Try these new strategies based on science instead of Old wives tales. This new, updated edition of "How to Find a Lost Cat" gives you a quick crash course on which lost cat finder technique is right for you and your cat.
Centered around cat psychology...these methods are tested in the real world and refined for each cat personality. Use the right method and you'll triple the chances of recovering your lost cat.
Try these new lost cat tips and tricks. With the 100-Day Money-back guarantee, you have nothing to lose but your cat.
Part 1
How to find a lost Indoor cat vs a missing outdoor cat
Top 3 tricks to get your cat to return home
Five things to do within first 48 Hours
Why lost cat personality types matter in your methods
The right recovery steps for each type of cat.
Part 2
Old wives tales, misinformation, and microchip myths
What NOT to Do & How to undo the typical mistakes.
When NOT to use search parties
Grief avoidance & Tunnel vision
The dangers of cookie-cutter lost cat advice
Dealing with the emotional pain and stress
Wildlife, coyotes, stray cats, and food fights
Why the 10th night is so important to a lost cat
Part 3
Finding the Indoor-Only cat, step by step.
How to find a missing Indoor + outdoor cat
Top 10 skittish scared cat hiding places
Five places you’d never think to look
New eyes - how to search from a new perspective.
Search tricks based on geography and weather
Part 4
Flyers vs posters and why to make them different
Ideal flyer color, size & wording
Shoud you offer a Reward or not?
How to make posters that can't be torn down
Lost Cat flyer templates and lost cat door-hangers
A better way to rainproof lost cat posters (NOT sheet protectors)
Part 5
How to create the right search map for your cat type
The 12 key questions to ask neighbors
How cat vision affects your search
Using signs from Nature to find your cat
How to track: pawprints, fur evidence and other clues
Identifying signs of coyote predation
How to stay focused and avoid the scammers
Part 6
Cat Trapping tutorial: tricks, tips & troubleshooting
Tips and tricks for Lost cat trapping in cold weather
Lost Cat Gear - demo of search equipment
Cat traps & trail cams - how to set up, where to place them
Best bait depending on your geography
Getting around problems with ferals and bully cats
Dealing with wildlife: raccoons, ants and oppossums.
Part 7
Social media & online "Lost Pet Finder" services
Lost Pet Alerts and Pawboost: helpful or scams?
Reputable lost pet notification options
Pros & Cons of hiring a K9 "Lost pet tracking dog"
Using a bloodhound to track scent of a lost cat.
Part 8
Sightings: 9 Questions to ask to make the most of each sighting
Stay calm and gather your gear
What to do when you arrive.
How to rule out imposter cats and false sightings.
No cat trap? Top 3 ways to capture and contain a skittish cat.
Part 9
FOUND! First Aid + for cats lost more than 3 days
Steps for re-introduction in multi-cat households
How to avoid the dangers of "Refeeding Sickness Syndrome"
Vet approved Post-starvation Diet to prevent organ failure
Signs of hepatic lipidosis: liver & kidney failure
Part 10
Additional Lost Cat Tips & Reminders
Rethinking your search from your cat’s point of view
Reminders on what methods to avoid
Famous case stories & Inspiring lost cat reunions..... pg 67
How to create a free national Lost Cat Report, how to trigger an automated "found cat" Google alert, plus how to read satellite maps to figure out the highest probability area where you will find your lost cat.
Rescued Cats
Lost Cats Found
Star Review Ratings
"Lost Cat Finder helped me find my cat the very next day after he had been missing for a month! I would recommend her to anyone who is missing their fur baby!"
– Brie Reiner, Austin Texas