Updated 2025 How to Find Your Lost Cat Kit by the Lost Cat Finder
Use the "Lost Cat Kit" for a crash course to pick the right technique for your lost cat's personality & situation.
The booklet + video gives you a show & tell demo on how to find your lost cat, plus extra tips and resources: Templates for how to make better lost cat posters to get more sightings & calls, how to tweak your search for an indoor vs outdoor cat, key lost cat supplies and details on how to use lost cat techno gear and supplies.
The complete 5-piece kit shows you what to do, every step of the way, all in order.
Thanks to the new ideas in this instant download, thousands of cats have been recovered wihtin hours all over the world.
The Lost Cat Kit is backed by a full 100-Day Money-Back Guarantee.
Triple the chances of getting your lost cat back home fast with detailed, professional help from the famous Lost Cat Finder Cat Detective.
Expert advice from a professional lost cat finder.
CONTENTS How to Find a Lost Cat Kit
- How to Think like a Cat to find your lost cat.
- How to lure your cat home without drawing in wildlife
- Five key steps before dark to get your cat to return.
- Cat personalities: best recovery strategy for each
- What are your chances of finding your lost cat?
- Can a lost cat find their way home?
- Attracting a lost cat without the risks of food or litter.
- Understanding lost cat psychology
- What to Avoid doing while you search (page 17)
- Lost Cat Advice: Armchair experts spreading misinformation
- The Litter box myth and the potential danger to cats
- Lost Indoor Cat Search plan
- Lost Outdoor Cat Search plan
- Top 10 Typical Cat Hiding Places
- Odd & unusual lost cat hiding places
- Indoor cats who escape or jump off balconies
- Missing outside access cats who are friendly and social
- Top 8 Scenarios for mssing cats & where they're found
- How to create a Radius Search Map (page 39)
- Templates for more effective lost cat mini flyers
- Benefits of NOT offering a Reward
- Lost cat flyer design for better results
- What to say to neighbors won't let you search
- A safer way to search garages and sheds
- Cat stuck in a Tree and what to do (page 67)
- How understanding Cat Vision can help in your search
- Can hawks and owls kill a cat?
- What About Foxes and Raccoons?
- Evidence of Predators – did a coyote kill my cat?
Don’t Give Up
- Tips to keep focus in your lost cat search
- Dealing with the emotional pain and stress of a lost cat
- What to do if your find your lost cat's collar or fur
Lost Cat Supplies & Equipment
- Cat traps vs Raccoon traps key differences
- How to choose & use a digital Trail Camera
- Key areas to set up your Trail camera
- Texting cameras and motion alerts
- Tricks for hiding trail cams so they are not noticed or stolen.
Lost Pet Scams to Avoid
- Online Pet Finder & Boosting Services
- Five pet finder Scams to watch out for
- Lost Pet Finder Companies to avoid
- Safe reputable Lost Pet Notification options
- The Pros & Cons of Hiring a K9 Search Dog to find a lost cat
Sighting Calls: specific questions to ask
- What to do if you spot your cat, and what to avoid
- What to take along when responding to a possible sighting
- If your lost cat runs from you & next steps
- Ruling out false sights quickly
Humane Cat Trapping
- How to set up a humane cat trap for best results
- Trapping supplies you'll need
- Where to Put the Trap
- Getting Permission from neighbors
- Best Bait for cat traps
- Accidentally Catch the wrong cat?
- When to use Catnip and when to avoid it
- Trap Troubleshooting
Once Your Cat is Home
- Keeping other pets separate
- Was your lost cat injured?
- Tests for dehydtation & parasites
- Warnings in case your lost cat was in starvation mode
- Avoiding hepatic lipidosis & re-feeding syndrome
- Veternarian approved feeding plan to avoid organ failure.
- Lost cat tips & key reminders
- Dealing with Grief
- Inspiring Case Stories: Happy reunions
- Lost Pet Psychics & Animal Communicators
- Additional Lost Cat Resources (page 97)
Lost Pet Scams to Avoid List
- Owner gets a call from a "shelter" that their cat was found but injured and they need $$ to start treatment. Scammers can even spoof the shelter number. Do not trust anyone who cannot send a photo of your cat.
- People posting to a lost pet Facebook group telling people to call a certain made-up or spoofed organization (often Instagram account). They claim that a certain group "Found my pet in 24 hours, and can find yours, too. Just contact them on Instagram." Don't do it. They may change their name with each attempted comment or post.
- Someone calls asking you for a 6-digit code to prove they're the owner. Do not give it out even if you get a Google alert as they are trying to obtain your Google login code to hack into your data. They may claim to be a rescue on Instagram, Facebook, or fake drone company.
- Caller claims they're a breeder from out of state. They say a person approached them with the cat and wanted to sell it to them. The caller says they don't have enough gas to return and wants gas money to bring the pet back.
- Caller claims to have found the pet but couldn't keep it so they gave it to someone else to care for while they looked for the owner. Caller says they bought food and supplies and would like to be reimbursed. They as for smallish amounts of money, for example $25-$75 to give the name or address of the person that has the pet.
- Man and Woman Team: Woman calls talking quietly as if she's scared to be heard talking on the phone. She says the man found the cat and is going to adopt it out. She says she'll try to talk to him. Then, the man calls back, refuses to send photos, instead threatens to put the cat in with his pit bulls to fight.
- Sometimes a person or kid will call or text the owner to say they saw their cat deceased. Then miraculously, the cat comes home a few days later. Usually a cruel prank. If you are not sure, ask for exact address and date. Ask them to meet you where they saw it and take someone with you during daylight hours.
Avoid the scams. Don't listen to people who aren't supportive. Your cat is out there somewhere. Remain calm and persistent. Use the strategy that's right for your cat's situation and personality. Statistics show owners who start looking right away with strategies from the Lost Cat Kit have a better chance of finding their cat. Be that person! Stay positive and keep up your search at least three months. Don't give up!
Tips courtesy of Kim Freeman ar